Episode 142: 17th December 2020
tracy2021-08-24T21:18:06+01:00Job Titles, Gurus and Leaders, Reverse Mentoring and The Day Google Broke are some of the weird and wonderful things that make up our final live show of the year that [...]
Job Titles, Gurus and Leaders, Reverse Mentoring and The Day Google Broke are some of the weird and wonderful things that make up our final live show of the year that [...]
Anders Holch Povlsen, Irrepressible, AI writers, brand name verbs and cyber threats If you are a regular visitor/listener to The Business Community it is possible you found us via well known [...]
Franchising for a living, Kimberlee Perry and the story of Bounce and The Four Fixations of a Brilliant Leader with a smattering of other news make the final edit this week. [...]
Giving and receiving feedback, HBR Must Reads and Flip The Switch plus Chris Dawson of The Range get us talking this week. Why does feedback matter? What happens if we don't [...]
Customer Service, clothes for hire, little white lies and the very fragrant Mark Constantine hit the headlines this week. When it comes to customer service sometimes we might set our expectations [...]
Commercial property, building rapport, interesting IOSH and Holly Tucker from notonthehighstreet keep us talking this week. The changing face of the high street has been on the agenda for quite some [...]
All things Pivot this week, plus ONS, Google Maps and Covid 19 plus a delve into TED Talks and profiling YouTube CEO, Susan Wojcicki. This week we start with a focus [...]