The ‘bootiful’ Bernard Matthews, the happy secret to better work by Shawn Achor & famous brands from past and present provide festive discussions for this pre Christmas show.
As we move ever closer to yet another Christmastime we decided to take a look at some of the famous brands that have been part of our celebrations for many years. From Tom Smith Crackers to Tracy Island, Quality Street to Coca Cola and from Iceland to John Lewis we consider toys, treats and spirits from both Christmas past and present and as we all now know what the Christmas TV Adverts for 2019 look like, Tracy found this interesting article which charts the way in which Christmas has revolutionised branding.
If you are interested in finding the secret to happy days at work as you anticipate the 2nd January 2020, why not take a look at TED Talker Shawn Achor. A positive psychologist and author of The Happiness Advantage Achor gives us food for thought on how to fuel success and performance at work.
For many of us Christmas just isn’t Christmas without a turkey so who better to pluck from our list of business legends than father of the turkey (not literally of course) Bernard Matthews. From small beginnings to a £40m net worth it seems there’s money to be made in the meat industry.
And finally, as we raise our glasses for a sip of festive cheer, may we take this opportunity to wish you a very Happy Christmas indeed!
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