Sir Tim Waterstone , The One Minute Manager Meets The Monkey, The Economist and Ian Lucas, MP make for a jam packed show this week.
In the current economic and political climate we’d be crazy not to take up the opportunity to interview Ian Lucas, MP for Wrexham (Labour). He gave us his latest thoughts on how business is fairing locally, regionally and nationally and, with the benefit of his extensive knowledge from his past political career we were able to hear a different perspective and one which is as up to date with the performance on political stage as anyone can be at present.
Tracy reviews a book by Kenneth Blanchard, The One Minute Manager Meets The Monkey and draws a comparison with Monty Python while Heather relishes the discovery of The Economist Explains, a website that manages to explain the world in words she can understand.
Our business leader this week is the rather lovely and romantic Sir Tim Waterstone of bookshop fame. Somewhat ironically used his redundancy from WH Smith to launch the large bookstore with a small bookstore feel and the rest, as they say, is history.
Remember, you are the community and we welcome your comments below. Please keep them kind or at least be constructive in your criticisms.
PS We know it’s not a monkey, it’s a macaque but it’s funnier than a monkey photo 🙂
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