Insurance, Louise O’Shea and 21 Ways to Manage The Stuff That Sucks Up Your Time.
This week Tracy has gone AWOL and so Heather finds herself flying solo for the podcast.
There have been some interesting statistics released with regard to insurance claim levels during the past year and more specifically in relation to lockdown restrictions. From reductions in car claims and burglaries to increases in business interruption claims and fraudelent claims and household finances have become tighter.
The review this week is of a book that has been sitting on Heather’s bookshelf for a number of years and features more than a few post it notes which, as regular listeners will know, is a sure sign that she likes a book. 21 Ways To Manage The Stuff That Sucks Up Your Time by Grace Marshall reminds us how to focus on the things that matter most and not sweat the small stuff.
In the profile position his week is a lady called Louisa O’Shea who is Founder and CEO of Louisa considers herself to be and to have always been a disruptor. She talks about her journey here in this TED Talk.
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