All things Pivot this week, plus ONS, Google Maps and Covid 19 plus a delve into TED Talks and profiling YouTube CEO, Susan Wojcicki.
This week we start with a focus on the business buzzword of the year ‘Pivot’. For many organisations the ability to rethink, redesign and respond to the crisis has been their saviour, not to mention the hard work involved in turning a business around during extreme times. Whether you are a start up, a well established business or making plans to downsize, the ability to pivot will likely be one of the largest factors to determine your success in the future.
We look at some of the household names who have done precisely this and how they have turned things around to greater strength and success.
In other news we name check a few of our favourite gurus who have been in the news recently including Sir Malcolm Walker and Dame Stephanie Shirley and we find out how Google plans to keep us updated with travel restrictions in the coming months.
Our review section sticks with the Pivot theme as we dip into a range of mini TED Talks on the subject:
- Two Reasons Companies Fail and How To Avoid Them, Knut Haanes
- Smart Failure For a Fast Changing World, Eddie Obeng
- How Too Many Rules At Work Keep You From Getting Things Done, Yves Morieux
- The Single Biggest Reason Why Start Ups Succeed, Bill Gross
And finally, our profile this week is of Google founder and now YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki. From selling soap on a rope at the age of 11 to being ranked among America’s top women entrepreneurs in 2015 she’s not the only successful woman in her family as her Mother Esther explains in this article from Forbes.
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